
Signaloid provides a computing platform to quantify, transmit, and track data uncertainty dynamically and throughout computations in unmodified computing workloads. Our technologies are used in applications including materials modeling, autonomous systems, computational finance, machine learning, and noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing. Our team consists of contrarian engineers with combined research, engineering, and leadership experience from Apple, ARC, ARM, Bell Labs, CMU, University of Cambridge, EPFL, IBM Research, Max Planck, MIT, and NEC Labs. Find out more at and try out the Signaloid uncertainty-tracking computing platform by signing up for free at

Role Description

In this role, you will lead the internal documentation efforts of Signaloid's products and internal processes. You will be responsible for:

  • Improving the design and implementation of the documentation system used throughout the company, with the freedom to re-architect the system if necessary.
  • Extending the existing documentation system to incorporate video-based archival and live content for both internal- and external-facing documentation.
  • Communicating with the rest of the team to ensure all internal- and external-facing systems are documented and consistent.
  • Ensuring customers and other team members find the documentation complete and valuable.

After the first year in this role, if successful, you can expect to:

  • Lead the company-wide documentation strategy.
  • Lead new efforts to continually adapt documentation to customer feedback.
  • Play a leading role in documentation-related training and development activities.


What You Need to Succeed In This Role:

You will be someone who brings to the team the following attributes:

  • Experience with HTML and Markdown.
  • Experience with documentation tools and frameworks (e.g., doxygen, GitBook, mdBook, MkDocs, ReadTheDocs, or others).
  • Ability to automate documentation processes, such as by using a browser automation tool like Selenium to navigate to pages, take screenshots programmatically, upload the screenshots to a repository, and define ReactJS components that handle the screenshot styling (e.g., add the browser frame, the drop shadow, etc.).
  • A willingness to listen to people until they feel understood.
  • Honesty, empathy, and a willingness to see the world from the viewpoint of others.

Additional Desirable Skills and Experience:

  • Experience with LaTeX.
  • Experience with ReactJS (or similar frameworks such as VueJS or AngularJS).
  • Experience with Python.
  • Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines.

Our Recruiting Procedure

  • All positions require you to write a one-page cover letter (you can also substitute the cover letter for a snippet of code that will run on the platform; be creative!). We use the cover letter to screen for communication skills, as clear communication is essential in a remote working environment.
  • Applicants who pass the cover letter screening receive an initial 15-minute Zoom screening call with a member of our People Development Team to discuss your CV.
  • Applicants who pass the screening interview, regardless of the position they are interviewing for, will be given a real-world project to solve over the course of one week (or two weeks if you are currently employed in a full-time job). In exchange for your time, we give you two books relevant to the rest of the interview process and £500 worth of free credits on the Signaloid Cloud Developer Platform.
  • Applicants who successfully complete the project are invited for a set of 45-minute interviews with people from our core teams (there will be up to six such interviews) which will use the project you completed as a discussion point.
  • In the final stage, applicants are invited for an on-site interview with members of the team in Cambridge.


A flexible remote-first work environment

  • Be part of an international team with the flexibility to choose where you live.
  • You can work any set of eight hours in a day provided four of those hours overlap with the working day in Zurich.
  • Join the rest of the team every three months for an in-person session somewhere in Europe.

Competitive compensation

  • Yearly bonus based on company's Objectives and Key Results (OKR) performance and bi-yearly bonus based on your project team's OKR performance.
  • Simple transparent compensation across the company, with four pay levels, in all roles, based on skill level: Contributor, Senior Contributor, Lead Contributor, and Principal Contributor.
  • All full-time employees receive attractive stock options package.